Saturday, 4 June 2011

How can i cange boot.ini so that it recognize linux?

I have xp and linux on my cmp. At startup Grup runnig and i can choose which OS to start with. But after i choose xp and press F8 there just appears xp, so i can%26#039;t choose linux using xp boot menu. How can i change boot conf so that xp recognize linux and show it in the OS boot menu?|||id rather use a linux loader because it will recognize windows boot files|||that has to be done in msconfig|||I don%26#039;t think you can, why would you choose XP from grub and then want to go into linux? that makes no sense, if you want to go into linux choose linux from grub, the boot.ini file is for boot options/command not for showing what OS to boot into, by the time you see the XP screen you are commited to XP

just select linux from grub when you want to boot into linux and xp when you want to boot into xp

dougc|||you have to extract the first 512 bytes from the linux boot partition (/boot typically).

Here is the windows software which can automatically extract the linux boot loader and edits the boot.ini appropriately.

Just download bootpart from the link below and run it from command prompt.|||chain it.